A good addiction recovery and nutrition program must address the issue of nutritional deficiencies. There is a strong connection between addictive behaviours and nutritional deficiencies. For example, many people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol develop nutritional deficiencies that can lead to physical health problems, psychological disorders, and even disease. Many people who become drug addicts do not recognize the degree of their addiction and its link with their nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional counselling can be very important for an individual struggling with drug addiction. Many drug addiction recovery programs have adopted a comprehensive approach that addresses a variety of issues. These include physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These are all interrelated and must be addressed for the entire program to be effective. One important component of the recovery process is a well-balanced and nutritious diet and exercise program.
Diet Change
One of the first steps in any addiction recovery diet and exercise program is a careful examination of what you eat. The best way to start is by making a list of the foods you eat regularly. Be very specific about the types of foods as well as the amount you consume. Once you have this list, you can compare your habits to this list to see if any of these changes are indicating an addiction. It may be that you need to make some adjustments to your diet.
Nutrition and drug addiction recovery can also incorporate lifestyle changes. Alcohol and drug addiction recovery aren’t just about willpower and the power of the will. You must learn to live in a manner that is conducive to recovery. If you’re heavily involved in alcohol and drug addiction activities, it’s important to develop new priorities, refocus your priorities, and start living according to new priorities. Once you have developed new goals and ideas for living a healthy lifestyle, begin to incorporate these into your daily routine.

Risk Factors
Developing a daily routine will help you make sure that your habits of indulging are replaced with behaviours that lead to recovery. One of the most common factors that contribute to drug addiction relapse is the lack of consistent maintenance of new behaviour. This may mean that your job requires you to go home early, or that you miss a few days of work due to ill health. You may feel like you don’t have any control over when you take your medication, or if you smoke or use illicit drugs. You may find yourself binge eating or exercise too frequently or too excessively.
Another risk factor is nutritional deficiencies. If you are recovering from drug addiction you may be dealing with nutritional deficiencies. These can include but are not limited to vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Be sure to discuss these concerns with your doctor or nutritionist. They may be able to provide advice and guidance with a specialized dietitian. They may also be able to recommend a nutritional supplement that will aid in your overall recovery and nutrition efforts.
Other considerations include psychological problems. Many people who have drug addictions find that depression or anxiety may be a problem. If you are recovering from an addiction and you notice that you are withdrawing from activities or psychological functions that you used to enjoy, you may need to consider counselling. You may also want to seek therapy to deal with any feelings of deep regret you have regarding your addiction.
It can be very easy for addiction recovery to fall by the wayside with a poor nutritional or emotional health plan. However, it can also be just as easy to slip back into old habits with a poor recovery plan. As long as you take the necessary precautions and get plenty of physical and mental exercise, maintain a positive outlook, and keep your mind healthy, you can overcome any obstacles you may come up against and achieve your goals of a drug addiction recovery.